Viktoriia Yadoshchuk

Viktoriia Yadoshchuk

Content Writer

Viktoriia is a professional wordsmith who likes researching interesting tech topics and sharing useful information about the software engineering business, design and innovations.

Latest articles

Embedded Software Development: Process and Best Practices

Embedded Software Development: Process and Best Practices

Find out more about the embedded system software development life cycle.

AI Transformation Guide: Implementing Success Strategies

AI Transformation Guide: Implementing Success Strategies

Step-by-step guide to implementing AI transformation in your business

Integrating AI for Improved Business Intelligence

Integrating AI for Improved Business Intelligence

Learn how integrating AI enhances your business intelligence and boosts efficiency.

OSS and BSS Software Development Guide

OSS and BSS Software Development Guide

Read our OSS/BSS software development guide to learn insights into the software development lifecycle, security aspects, and future trends.

AI Strategy for Your Business: From Concept to Implementation

AI Strategy for Your Business: From Concept to Implementation

An in-depth examination of AI's strategic impact on business, guiding from concept to practical implementation.

Why Use Python for AI and Machine Learning

Why Use Python for AI and Machine Learning

Find out why Python leads the way in the AI and Machine Learning field.

How to Build Your Own ERP System from Scratch

How to Build Your Own ERP System from Scratch

Discover the process and expert tips to develop a customized ERP system from scratch in this comprehensive guide.

Digital Transformation in The Energy Industry: Overview and Tips

Digital Transformation in The Energy Industry: Overview and Tips

Explore the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in the energy industry and gain practical tips for leveraging digital technologies.

Robotic Process Automation: What It Is and Why You Need It

Robotic Process Automation: What It Is and Why You Need It

Robotic Process Automation for enterprises: definition, how it works, benefits, tools, and tips for successful adoption.